

1. Sabath, A.M. (2012) International business etiquette: Latin America. – Bloomington, iUniverse, Inc.

2. Martin, J.S., Chaney L.H. (2012) Global business etiquette: a guide to international communication and customs. 2nd ed. Santa-Barbara, Praeger: An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC

3. Hickey, R. (2014) Honor & Respect: The Official Guide to Names, Titles, and Forms of Address. – The Protocol School of Washington, Columbia.

4. Tomalin, B., Nicks, M. (2014) World Business Cultures. A Handbook. 3rd ed. London: Thorogood Publishing Ltd.

5. Schweizer, S., Alexander, L. (2015) Access to Asia: your multicultural guide to building trust, inspiring respect, and creating long-lasting business relationships, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

6. Shengfei, Gan. (2014) How to do business with China. Bloomington: Author House.

7. Klinkenberg, H. (1992) At Ease … Professionally. An Etiquette Guide for the Business Arena. Chicago: Bonus Books, Inc.


1. http://www.ediplomat.com/np/cultural_etiquette

2. http://www.commisceo-global.com/country-guides

3. https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/countries

4. https://guide.culturecrossing.net/

5. https://businessculture.org/passport-to-trade-2-0/